Friday, April 6, 2012

Asparagus and a creep Esparracs i un home potser predatori

Em troba a falta una paraula que sigui equivalent d'un 'creep', que vol dir un home que està un predador sexual, com un home sol de mitja edat a un parc infantil, saps que vull dir?  Sovint una mica lleig i am pocs habilitats socials.  Encara no he trobat un equivalent.  Potser això indicar una societat saludable, que no necessita aquest tipus de paraula.

More about the trip later.  Today has been very quiet, and very nice.  Just the man and I hanging out around the house.  The kids are away with their grandparents and today is a quiet catch up day, though Chuck is currently reminding me that he needs a walk.....

Més de la viatge desprès, Avui ha estat molt tranquil i preciós.  Jo i l'Home passant un dia molt de repòs a casa.  Les nenes no estan aquí aquesta setmana, estan amb els seus avis i avui ha estat un dia per descansar-nos però en aquest moment, en Chuck m'estas recordant que vol anar a passejar.

Yesterday I went for a walk with his Chuckiness, and Radiolab had a new show up, so I made the walk a little longer so I could listen to it I was walking up the road near town here, in the mountains, with Chuck off leash, a car slowed down behind me.  Now that happens from time to time cause they're nervous of the dog and don't want to hit it, or get it chasing them.  Then he came very nearly to a stop beside me.  Whatever, I looked over, never seen a woman walking uphill before?  Whatever.  But then he kept going really slowly and was obviously watching me in his offside mirror as he kept drifting and correcting as he drove.

Ahir a la tarde vaig anar per up passeig una mica llarg amb en Chuck, Radiolab havia penjat una nova podcast i per això vaig anar una mica més lluny per tenir temps d'escoltar...quan estava pujant un camí aquí amunt del poble amb ne Chuck lliure una cotxe em va acostar i va anar més a poc a poc quan era més aprop.  Ho passa de vegades perquè els conductors es troben desconcertats pels gossos, no volen trepitjar-lo ni vol que els segui.  Quan estava al meu costat, va casi para.  Bé.  Vaig donar-li un cop d'ull. Què?  No ha vist mai una dona pujant?  Meh.  Però desprès va continuar de pujar molt a poc a poc i m'estava mirant pels miralls, estava molt clar que ho feia perquè no seguia una línia recta, va anar una mica aquí, i va corregir la direcció, llavors una mica allà i ho va corregir un altre cop.

I was walking on the side of the road with a drop down into the hills on it, as I always do...safer with all the car traffic than the side with a cliff going up beside you.  I got out my phone, cause that usually makes the creeps go away, but no change in behaviour, if I'd been really swift I'd have taken a photo of his license plate, but he looked like he was working up to a 3 point turn around.

Jo estava caminant a la vora del carrer, a costat de la baixada dels boscs.  Sempre ho fa si hi ha transit perquè si tens un penya segat pujant a costat de tu, no tens moltes opcions.  Vaig agafa el meu mòbil perquè normalment els tontos paren quan ho faig, però no.  Si he estat pensant més hagi d'agafar un foto de la seva placa però començava de fer un maniobre per tornar cap a mi.

Without a pause, I made a 90º turn and headed downhill into the woods.  My boy was mid 50s+, with slicked back hair, jowls, multiple double chins and a pink button down lacoste type shirt.  No way fat boy was going to be catching me in the woods, I am in far too good shape, sporting much more sensible footwear and know the woods better, plus once he's out of the car, I've got a dog.  No worries.  Needless to say, I didn't see him again.  Who knows what that was all about, could have been harmless, he could just be helluv stupid.  Whatever.

Sense pausa, vaig gira una 90º i baixava en el bosc.  Fil meu té unes 50 anys i més, té els cabells pentinats, papades i va porta una samarreta rosa amb coll de tipus lacoste.  Aquest tio gros no em podria agafar pel muntanya.  Tinc en força bona form i portava botes bones i a sobre, conec aquests boscos millor.  També si hagés sortit del cotxe, em tinc un gos.  Cap problema.  No cal que us dic que no li vaig veure mai més.  No sé que pensava, podria sé res o podria sé que és un home ben estúpid.  Meh.  És igual.

Truly, there is no animal in these hills that make me nervous, not the wild boar, the scorpions or the snakes, nor other dogs. Only thing that worries me from time to time?  Men.

La veritat és que no hi ha cap animal que em posa nerviosa per aquí, ni els porcs senglars, no escorpions, ni serps ni altres gossos. L'única cosa que de vegades em posa nerviosa?  Homes.

The upside?  Ended up in a bit of the mountains where I haven't been for a while...guess what I found!  Asparagus.  Lots of it. Mmmmmmmm, the man (my man) eventually phoned wondering where the heck I was.  I can get a wee bit obsessive in the face of wild fresh asparagus.

A l'inrevés? Em vaig trobar en un part dels muntanyes a on no he anat fa molt de temps, i saps què?  Vaig trobar molta d'esparracs.  Molts.  Mmmmmmmm.  L'Home, al meu home, finalment em va trucar per preguntar on estava.  Puc ser una mica obsessiva a l'hora de buscar esparracs al muntanya.

Yummy.  Molt bons.


The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Wow, that would have freaked me out too. It's easy to think after the fact, what you should have done - photo-ed the licence plate or even his face, or both. Now, should it happen again, you will do that. And don't go walking without the phone. Thank heavens his Royal Chuckiness could be counted on to come to your rescue. But blech, I have goose bumps just thinking about the guy. Lucky find - the asparagus.

elpadawan said...

That's really creepy. Glad you're all right. I always slow down before passing children or dogs. Not that I'm afraid they would start chasing the car, more that I wouldn't want to hit one by accident if they make a sudden jump.
And I suppose the old lady didn't scavenge all the asparagi after all :p

Boo and Trev said...

How horrible! Glad it was a good outcome

Beth said...

That's a pretty eye-catching blogpost title. It must have been a distressing situation, though. I'm just glad it turned out ok and you got some tasty veggies out of the deal

oreneta said...

It honestly happened so fast I didn't have time to get freaked out, and then I was clear of him and finding asparagus...though if I see him again, I'll be taking out the camera, even if it's a normal day and he ain't doing nuffin.