I was in BCN today for a course and I had to do a wee bit of shopping. (Harry Potter DVD's for Youngest purchased with a gift card from a loving aunt! - OH, and Eldest went for music, instantly. Both very happy.)
Estava a BCN avui per fer fer una curs i també havia de fer algunes compres. (TOTS els DVD's de Harry Potter per la Petita amb un targeta de regal que la seva tieta fantàstica la va donar! I la gran va comprar música, instantàniament. Totes dues estan molt contentes)
Anyway, there wasn't much of a break during the course, by the time you get up to the cafe, get through the queue, which was actually so long I bailed, sit down and chat a bit - which is worth doing, especially today, as some of the more experienced and more influential members of the community were there, well, no time for a pee break, nor for a drink.
Bé, no hem tingut, gairebé cap descanse amb el minutes que triga per pujar cap al café, i la línia, que era tan llarg que no he comprat res, i seure-nos junts per xerrar una mica - i val la pena fer-ho perquè hi havia una bona quantitat dels gens amb molta experiencia i influencia en el comunitat . doncs, no hem tingut temps per anar al llabavo ni de beure res.
Meaning that by the time I got home I was hungry, thirsty and in desperate need of a bathroom, and in fact a paracetamol went down pretty well to.
Vol dir que quan he arribat, finalment, a casa, tenia un set, i unes ganes, i a sobre d'això unes ganes de fer un bon riu (dones ho poden diu?) i haig de dir també que el paracetamol va anar força bé també.
The man, bless his wonderful heart, had made a SPECTACULAR lunch. Quiche with all manner of goodies on it, and raf tomatoes thinly sliced on top that had sort of oven dried till they were punch full of flavour.
L'Home, qui m'encanta absolutament, ha cuinat una dinar e·spec·tac·u·lar.....Un quiche ple de coses bones i a sobre talls, molt primets, de tomàquets raf que han assecat al forn i portava un sabor tan bon.....
No photos, I ate it toooooooo fast. Followed up with a cup of tea. OH; and Brits out there, I was informed that it is "terribly lower class to have tea with food. Tea is ALWAYS separate." I must be terribly lower class, I have it with food, at meals and separate as well.
Ni una foto, hem menjat tot de seguida. Desprès...te. MMmmm, i tinc una pregunta pels britànics, em va dir, un home, que només els del classe baix beure te amb menjar. Te ha de ser begut SEMPRE sol. Haig de dir que, en aquest cas, jo sóc de classe baix, sense dubte. Ho bec amb menjar, amb àpats i sol també.
So, here's to wonderful husbands who make fantastic meals. My rumination for the day. Llavors, salut al meu home fantàstic qui cuinar àpats tan bones. He rumiat pel dia.
Hope you have a good one!
Que vagi molt bé.
Depends on the kind of tea, I suppose. Chinese restaurants will always serve you tea with food. There's just a different kind of tea for each situation, I guess...
Yes, definitely is a cultural thing too, I suspect just a certain part of British culture.......I was hoping a Brit would pipe up and give us some real info!
I often have tea with meals - usually tea or wine. I suspect it is supposed to be lower class by the upper classes who 'dine'. As we don't live in the Edwardian era dining with servants around I suspect it has nothing to do with normal people
The guy was, I am assuming from the conversation, quite tongue in cheek, but still seemed to think it true...and claims that he NEVER drinks tea with meals. Whether he's normal or not is another question. Glad it's not just this colonial that's out on a limb...though you were born out there weren't you!
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