Admeto que vaig una mica tard, però pensava que valia la pena penjar-ho. La Petita i jo vam anar a mirar la fira i finalment, vam comprar rosers de xuxes! Mmmmm
Clever, no? Són ben fetes, no?
Oh, and there's my extremely wrinkly hand! I mira! El meu man ple d'arrugues
Youngest actually brought me a rose she got for singing in the choir, but it is one of those beautiful ones that has no smell, well, actually it smells like a dollar store, sort of plastic-y. The candy one was quite tasty!
En realitat, la Petita em portava una rosa que va guanyar ella per cantant en un coral, però és un d'aquests que està molt maca però no porta cap olor, bé, aquest porta l'olor d'un botigues de 100 centimes, olor de plàstic. El de xuxes tenia molt de gust!
Perhaps the next bouquet of flowers I get will be edible.
Now, that would be a real treat!
It was a treat indeed!!!
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