I am listening to the Barça - Madrid game. Estic escoltant el partit de Barça contra Madrid.
I actually don't like these games, I get so frustrated. No m'agrada aquests partits, em trobo tan frustrada.
So I listen on the radio and do something else at the same time. Llavors escolto al ràdio i faig altres coses al mateix temps.
Like reading Haruki Murakami, The Wind Up Bird Chronicles, in Catalan. Com llegint Murakami, Crònica de l'ocell que dóna corda al món, en català.
It is probably my least favourite of his book so far, though the third book of IQ84 was disappointing.Probàblament és el llibre d'ell que m'agrada menys de tot, encara que el tercer llibre del IQ84 em deixava una mica decebuda.
The protagonist is sooooo passive I find it irritating to read. El protagonista està tan passiu que em molesta llegir-lo.
I have also packed for a longer walk tomorrow, aiming for around 70K, though the forecast calls for some rain and I am such a Catalan wimp these days!
També estic preparada per fer un camí més llarg demà, intento de caminar per unes 70K, però els temps diuen que podria ploure i sóc tan poc valent ara de ser aquí tan de temps!
And of course I'm writing on here. I evidentment, estic escrivint aquí!
The excitement this evening in the grocery store was palpable, and fireworks were blasting off before the game, but now, it's the second half, they are behind by one and the village waits, tense.
Podria sentir per l'aire un nivell d'emoció aquesta tarda al supermarcat i han tirat focs artificials abans del partit, però ara, en el segona part, Madrid té un punt i Barça no té cap i tot el poble està esperant, amb tensió.
Visca Barça!!!!!
OH!!!!!! 1-1!!!!!!!!!! Els petards sonen!!!!! Fireworks are going off!!!!!!!!
Alas, no play-off fireworks or hockey excitement in Toronto – yet again. And I just can’t get interested in all the other play-off action going on. Perhaps when the final game is played for the Stanley Cup? Maybe…
Three minutes of joy and then the other Madrid goal! It was a bit disappointing this game - we went to a bar and although I enjoy the atmosphere I had the feeling all the way through that it wasn't going our way. Those Madrid guys do seem to spend a lot of time lying around on the ground:)
good luck tomorrow. WOW! Kx
I'm not very interested in soccer (a shame for any French, apparently), and luckily, my social life here will not take offense :p. They're bigger on hockey (go figure...), and even then, I don't follow...
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