He tingut un alumne avui que m'ha explicat com cuina una pollastre, deixa la pollastre en una quantitat de liquid que porta molt de llimona per alguns hores al nevera, que la pollastre absorbeix el sabor i quan ho posa a la planxa, i més important a l'hora de menjar-ho, tindrà un gust més complex i més intens i, clar, més bo.
I had a student today who was talking to me about the process of soaking meat for a couple of hours in a strongly flavoured liquid to impart the flavour to the meat, to make it yummier!
Hi ha una paraula per fer això en Català. No la sé. Força normal. El problema sortia quan no podia recordar la paraula en anglès.
There must be a name for this in Catalan, I don't know it. Not so unusual. The problem was that I couldn't remember in English either.
Passava hores avui intentant de recorda aquesta paraula. He pensat d'unes quantes altres, en anglès que tampoc no conec en Català....
I thought about it for hours. I remembered all sorts of related words, brine, baste, steep, soak, brew, etc etc etc, none of which I know in Catalan either....
Finalment, l'Home, mirant un llibre de receptes, la va recordar. No llegia aquest pàgina, però quan mirava el llibre, el nom sortia.
Finally, the man, while reading the index for the Joy of Cooking remembered the word. He wasn't reading that page, he was in the 't's, but with book in had, he got it.
Tan com treballes, si vius fora del teu idioma, alguns paraules s'escapen.
It doesn't matter how hard you work, if you live outside of your language, words disappear.
Marinade. I still don't know in Catalan. Google translate says escabetx, doesn't sound right to me.
Encara no sé com es diu en català, google diu que està escabetx, però a mi això no sona bé.
I'm living in my language and words disappear!! (Age...)
In Spanish it is "macerar" (also could be "marinar") if that helps in looking it up.
I have lost words but also gained many words in Spanish for which I don't know the English equivalent (mostly words dealing with hardware and home improvement...)
You should have asked me, I'd have told you it's called to "marinate". In French, the verb is "mariner", which seems to be "marinar" in Catalan, according to google translate. Sounds better, I guess :)
I would venture "marinada" for the substantive version.
Escabetx is something different (Escabeche in English), albeit a bit related...
Beth, it is true, but they seem to go faster when I'm away....
Kate, thank you! I feel better, I certainly have got a much wider vocabulary than I had a few years ago if we're going to count everything I've learned in Catalan and Spanish too!
ElP...YOU ARE SO RIGHT! Why didn't I think of it. The man and I were saying that we though the English word certainly came from French, indeed it sounds like French and most cooking words in English came from french, cause god knows, they certainly knew next to nothing about it before they met up with French cuisine!
In that particular case, I wouldn't give too much credit to the French for the word "marinate". I think it's more of latin origin, so Catalan, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese can all claim credit together :)
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