One of the (many) great things about having the Man around....he's spent years, nay decades doing a lot of exercise, so when I, newbie that I am, turn to him the other day and say that I am feeling weird and weak and yucky, and that my blood pressure must have dropped through the floor cause I keep head rushing, he says to me, 'you need something to drink'. And I think, 'well, duh, he's so right.' I'd run that morning, and hadn't drunk anything since, and as I hadn't brought water with me, I usually don't, I was dehydrated. Seems like that might make you feel yucky and head rush-y, no?
Un dels (multíssimes) avantatges de l'Home en la meva vida.....ha passat molt i moltes anys, no, vull dir ha passat dècades fent molt d'exercici, llavors, quan un que ha fet molt menys... li dic, com ho ha passat fa unes dies, que trobo molt malament, que trobo que el meu pressió de sang ha baixat fins als peus, que cada cop molt sovint em marege, em va dir, 'cal que beguis alguna cosa' i jo vaig pensar, 'duhhhh, i tant, té tot la raó' Havia anat a córrer aquest matí i no havia begut res quan vaig tornar. Tampoc havia begut quan corria, no portava aigua, normalment, no ho faig. Estava deshidrata. Això et deixa amb un sensació que no trobis bé, que no?
He was right too. We went off and had a drink, him beer, me gasosa and split a bag of chips and all was right in the world again.
L'Home estava un 100% correcte també. Vam anar a un cafè, tenia jo un gasosa i el una cervesa i vam repartir una borsa de patates i desprès? Tot bé en el món.
Smart man. Un home ben llest.
Smart indeed, and nice that he's helpful without being judgemental. Glad the weird feeling was so easy to fix!
He would never be judgemental...not made that way, and I was also glad it was so easy to fix. Nice too! Gotta like a weird feeling that's fixed by visiting a cafe.
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