Mountain bikes totally destroy trails for walking. It is astonishing how bad they can make a trail. Bicicletes per muntanyes fen molt malbe els camins, em va sorprendre com els malfaent.
I ate: Menjava
Before I left: A bowl of oatmeal and a cup of tea
Abans de marxar: un bol de cereals calents i una copa de te.
While walking: 2 bananas, 2 sandwiches shared with Chuck (one meat, one cheese), a cup of dates (more or less) a couple of handfuls of chips, 1 piece of chocolate (less than an ounce) 3 Cacaolats (think chocolate milk) total less than 750ml and a lot of water. Chuck had three servings of his food (blessedly light) much more water than me (must mark his territory!) a handful of chips, part of two sandwiches.
Mentre estava caminant: 2 plàtans, 2 entrepàs que vaig repartir amb en Chuck (un de pinxo i un de formatge), una copa de dàtils (més o menys) unes quantes patates (poques), un trosset de xocolate (menys d'un 10mg) 3 cacaolats en total menys de 750ml i molt d'aigua. Chuck va menjar tres racions del seu menjar (que, gràcies!!!! no pesa molt), molt més aigua que jo (ha de pixat tant), unes patates tant com jo, i part de dues entrepans.
When I got home: a plate of pasta and a cup of tea. Quan vaig tornar a casa, un plat de pasta i una copa de te.
I slept well and long, as did Chuck. Vaig dormir bé i per molt de temps, tant jo com en Chuck.
Two hour (+) walk today at a peaceful pace (more or less 10K) easy, no problem and as the route planned for the long walk is considerably flatter than the more or less 500M of climbing and descending I did today, it'll be easier still.
Avui, un passeig de dos hores i pico a un ritme bastant tranquil (més o menys 10K). Fàcil, cap problema i la ruta pel distancia llarg serà molt més pla del que he fet avui que tenia més o menys un 500M de desnivell, per això serà més senzill.
Some stiffness and tiredness in my legs, none or nearly none in my neck and shoulders (which is frankly surprising considering the weight of food I carried) feet fine. Chuck walked this morning with bounce and eagerness, as usual covering much more distance than I did what with zigzagging around the road and streaming off to investigate interesting smells. He did, however, lie or sit down today when we stopped to look at the view for more than a minute or two, which is less typical. I was also glad to have a sit down from time to time.
Les meves cames estan cansats i tenen algunes agulletes casi res pel meu coll i les meves espatlles (quem'estrenya molt amb tot el pes que portava ahir) peus, bé. En Chuck ha passejat aquest matí amb ganes i amb un bon ritme, com sempre ha fet molt més distància que jo, fent ziga zaga pel carrer i sortint al bosc buscant no sé que. Ha segut o s'estirat avui cada cop que hem parat per més d'un parrell de minutes, que normalment no fa. Per mi també em ha anat bé para i seure de tan en tant.
All around, very good long push before the walk, now I to taper down. Feeling excellent about the prospects of the walk. Gear tested, food ideas settled, body fit enough. YEAH!!! Now a few logistical details, see if I can get a lift or two and book a hotel or two......and a nap would be good.
Sobre tot, estic molt contenta, un bon passeig per entrenar i ara vaig baixant el volum en preperació. Em trobo molt contenta amb la meva preparacions. He provat l'equipament, ideàs sobre menjar més concretat, el cos ben preparat. YEAH!!! Ara alguns detalls logístics, mira si algú em pot portar i reservar un hotel do dos.....i un migdiada seria fantàstic.
Your list of food items made me crave a cookie (a chocolate one – and, yes, I got up from the computer to get one) and I haven’t been out for even a short walk today! Nasty, wet weather – possibility of snow.
You are one determined, disciplined woman. Much admiration from where I’m sitting. ;)
This sounds fantastic! You are well-prepared! And a nap after the right amount of exercise is one of life's best pleasures.
Beth...hope you enjoyed your cookie! I'm actually not such a bit cookie fan....weird, I know, but there it is.
JG, napping is ALWAYS one of life's best pleasures, which reminds me.....
I've just found all these posts. I hate Blogger as it has changed the interface and now I can't see the blog posts automatically. and when I do find them I can't click on them. Where is Dashboard? Come back!
Anyway, wow - I wonder how far I would have to walk to get fit enough to eat all this. And you have to carry for chuck!
See you soon Kate x
I did walk 12+ hours, so that is not THAT much food!!!!
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