Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'm in! Ho faré! 100KtS is on anirá

And I'm going to WIN my division.  No, I'm going to Slaughter  my division.  Middle-aged Canadian Expats moms walking 100K (metric century) with their dog.  NO?  THIS IS SO COOL!  OK, here's the plan:  walking 100K - yup.  Raising money for a good cause, in fact this right now for me is the best cause.

I guanyaré la meva divisió.  No, deixaré tots els altres fet a pols en la meva divisió.  La de mares  canadenques expatriades de mitja-edat caminant amb els seus gossos.  Que NO?  ESTÀ TANT GUIA! OK, que faré.  Caminar 100 kilòmetres, sí.  Guanyar diners per una bona caritat, de debò, per mi, en aquest moment, està el millor caritat.

So here's the deal.  D'acord, una mica d'història.

Do any of you read Fat Cyclist?  Let me give you some background.  He's a cyclist, and sometimes he's a little pudgy (normally in the winter).  He's also funny as all get out, and hates cancer, which took his wife.  SO he does a lot of really cool - and amazingly successful - fundraising ventures for Livestrong which is an organisation fighting cancer put together by Lance Armstrong...that cycling dude.  He's done a ton of different stuff, but one thing that has become annual is the 100 Miles to Nowhere.  Sounds stupid, and it kinda is, but it's actually a huge success, and has a certain ridiculous charm.  The deal was originally, and the heart of it still is, that you get on your bike, on rollers, or on your block and you go around and around an incredibly small course until, going nowhere, you hit 100 miles.  This year they are specifically raising money for Livestrong's support of Camp Kesem , which is a camp for siblings and children of families with cancer. Most excellent cause.

Imagino que si estiguis llegint en Català no llegeixis el bloc Fat CyclistEstà una home, que fa molt de ciclisme, que de vegades està una mica gord (en l'hivern normalment).  Està molt divertit i l'odia el càncer.  La seva dona es va morir de cancer.  Per això, fa moltes activitats per guanyar diners contra càncer i són molt variades i  tenen molt d'èxit.  Un que ja està anual es diu 100 milles cap a cap lloc.  Són molt estranya, no?  Però té un èxit brutal i té la seva gràcia peculiar.  La idea és que trobem una ruta super curta i anim, donant voltes molt petites, fins que hem cobrat 100 milles.  Aquest any estan guanyant diners per  Livestrong que està donant suport a Camp Kesem que està un tipus de casal per nens de famílies afectades de càncer.  Una causa molt excel·lent.

Cool, no?  In sort of a stupid kinda way.  Here's what fatty had to say about it so you can read a bit of what went on before this: 

I did the first 100 Miles of Nowhere by myself, back before I knew it would be annual at all. The second one a bunch of us — from all around the world — did together, and people sent in their stories, many of which I published here.

Now, you may be wondering how I fit in here having never mentioned anything at all about cycling.  I sent him an email and asked if walking 100K would be OK too.  Good man answered, hours before doing the Boston Marathon, that he thought that would be just Jim dandy.  Now the luck I asked for yesterday?  Beth, you seem a pretty potent finger-crosser.  There are only 500 entries for this event, and last year they were gone in a day.  I wanted in.  

Però, que passa amb les bicicletes?  No he parlat mai d'anar amb bicicleta.  Vaig enviar un email a en Fatty preguntant si podria camina unes 100 kilòmetres en lloc d'anar amb bicicleta 100 milles.  L'home em va contestar hores abans de començar el marató de Boston i em va dir que seria fantàstic.  Que haig de fer fotos i enviar-lo una historia del viatge.  Ho faré.  Hi han només 500 llocs i l'any passat tots estavan ocupats en el primer dia.  Volia entra.

I'm in.  Estic registrada.

So.  I'll be walking 100K, I'll be raising money for Livestrong, more specifically for Camp Kesem.  Gotta feel good about that.  I love how it's a camp for kids in families with cancer as a mom, as a teacher, as a friend.  Love that.

LLavors.  Caminaré 100 kilòmetres, guanyaré diners per Livestrong, específicament per Cam Kesem.  Em sento molt bé per això.  M'encanta que està per un casal, per nens, com una mare, una mestre, i una amiga.  M'ho encanta.

I'm excited.  Estic força emocionada.

I'm calling my own little version of this the 100K to somewhere, or 100KtS  100MoN, edició Català!!!!

Oh, and Chuck's coming with me!   OH, i en Chuck vindrà també!


elpadawan said...

Wow, congrats! And this time, no need to build a team of reluctant fundraisers... :)

Beth said...

Good for you! Great cause.
Let me know how I can support you via fundraising. (Send me an email?)
And if you ever need some luck for anything else, let me know! Magic fingers… ;)

thecatalanway said...

Fantastic news!!! and of course Chuck has to do it too - with his own sponsorship I hope!!! He's been doing the training so he has to do the walk. Looking forward to hearing more about where and when k x

J.G. said...

Wow! Congrats on being one of the elite! It's a great idea. Where do I pledge and send the money?!

Will e-mail you. Or should I contact Chuck directly?

Boo and Trev said...

Brilliant! Like J.G. I will definitely sponsor Chuck (and maybe you too!)

Sam said...

Amazing!! lucky you have Chuck to walk with... 100K huh?! WOW! Inspiring .....

Helen said...

Brilliant - mad but brilliant. Let me know the sponsorship info

oreneta said...

ElP, exactly, and if the weather is the pits on the planned day, no problem, change the day.

Beth, I will put up a post about donations in a day or two....and the magic fingers, I'll remember, trust me! So glad you're back on blogging again!

Hmmm, maybe all the fund raising should be in his name?

JG, Elite sounds so nice...really, I had a wicked advantage with the time change, he opened the entry at about midnight mountain time, which is a whole lot later in the day here, I strongly suspect I was first in......

Boo and Trev, Chuck appreciates it in every way!

Sam, should be good, going for a last long walk this weekend I hope as I am planning to walk reasonably soon, before it gets crazy hot here.

Helen, slightly, I try not to think too much about it! Actually, that's totally a lie, but I have been working up to it.