Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sunday, diumenge

This was the big official walking day...the real reason we were there, I guess.  We were in Montsant in Priorat, and I can assure you that Priorat, though low in population is very very big in mountains.

Diumenge era el dia oficial per caminar, el raó que vam anar-hi.  Estàvem en Priorat, en Montsant.  Vull dir que, encara que el Priorat no té molt de població, té moltes muntanyes.

We started out climbing steeply up onto the top of the mountains.  This one is kind of like a mesa in the US, steep sided escarpments with relatively flat tops to them that you can walk for quite a long way on.  Deeply cut by rivers and layered like so many cakes.

Vam començar pujant ràpidament cap a munt dels muntanyes.  Montsant és un muntanya una mica com Montserrat, té un cap bastant pla a sobre unes penya-segats.  Pots caminar per molt de distància a sobre el muntanya, més com una cadena que un sol cim.  Montsant també està ben tallat pels rius i té nivells, com una pastis.

A view over a cliff.  I was quite cautious about the drops.  Some weren't.

Una visat des d'amunt.  Estava força vigilant amb els penya-segats, altres no tant.

We went down here.  The camera flattens things a lot.  We had already been going down some quite long drops, rock with gravel on and cliffs on one side.  It was a little more intense than I had bargained on and I was glad that there were no kids or dogs with us.

Vam baixa per aquí.  El càmera deixa tot més pla que era.  Vam estat baixant per molt de temps ja, i era pedra amb sorra a sobre amb una bona caiguda a l'esquerre.  Està una mica més intens que he pensat que seria i estava ben contenta que no teníem ni nens ni gossos en el grup.

Looking back up where we had come from.  Mirant amunt el mateix ruta.

At this point we lost the trail and ended up going down a dry river bed, like being kids, scrambling over and under branches and rocks, it was honestly, a lot of fun.

Des d'aquí vam perdre la ruta i vam baixa per un torrent, com si fóssim nens, vam baixar sota branques i salten pedres. Era una plaer.  Molt divertit.

Eventually we found a path, and then the river.  We didn't have time to stop and swim, nor even dip our feet in the water.  I was the only one, I think, that had brought food and everyone was in a mad hurry to get to a restaurant and eat.

Llavors vam trobar el riu.  No vam tenir temps per ni nadar ni posar els peus en l'aigua.  Estava l'única, em sembla, que portava menga i tots tenen moltes ganes de sortir i anar a menjar.

The food in the restaurant was fabulous, really very good indeed and we had a lovely long chatty lunch.  Then most people went home, but I was a really lucky one, cause one of the couples invited me to go with them to their village reasonably nearby till Tuesday, the man was coming up on the train!  No funover yet!

El menga pel restaurant era fabulós, de debò, molt molt bo i vam tenir un dinar llarg i xerraire.  Desprès d'això la majoria tornava a casa.  Jo tenia molt de sort perquè un parella del grup em va invitar d'anar al seu poble fins dimarts!  L'Home baixava pel tren.  La festa encara no ha parat!

More later.  Més desprès


elpadawan said...

The color of the water is amazing! Too bad you didn't swim :)

Beth said...

You must be so incredibly fit. I am very, very impressed. That trek goes WAY BEYOND my lovely, brisk walks.

(in honour of my mom, who loved the Blue Jays, I just watched their opening game - they won - after 16 innings!!)

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

This walk certainly beats the "climb up the CN Tower" that is regularly done. Wow, wow, wow - on the photos. You might think the lens flattens things out but from over here in North America that is stunning scenery. I am glad you took time to aclimate yourself and your feet for this climb. And how wonderful to hear you succeeded! Happy Easter to your and yours.

Jan said...

The Priorat area isn't so far from where we are in Catalunya. It's beautiful country!