Friday, April 13, 2012


I have had a problem here, not a grave problem, but something that needed to be worked out.
He tingut una dificultat aqué, no era greu, però voldria solucionar-ho.

When we go to a cafe or a bar, I am always a little orphaned for something to drink.  I don't drink beer or wine, the juice is a small quantity and expensive, I won't drink bottled water on principle and the tap water in BCN is yucky tasting.  Safe and all, but it tastes bad.   Pop has SO much sugar in it, and often caffeine.  I've been down to Diet Coke, but I really don't like it.
Quan anim a un cafè o bar, sempre em trobo una mica orfenat per una cosa per beure.  No bec ni cerveses ni vi i suc, els venen en ampolles molt petites i molt cares, no bec aigua d'ampolles per temes d'ètica i l'aigua de l'aixeta en BCN està fastigós. Net, i segur però no fa bon gust.  Les begudes com Coca-cola o fanta porta TAN de sucre i sovint cafeïne.  He begut alguns Coke lites, però a mi no em ve molt de gust.

Usually I have a decaf coffee, but sometimes you want something a little longer and cooler.  Normalment prenc un cafè descafeïnat, però de vegades, volies una beguda una mica més lleuger i fresqueta.

Then I remembered gaseosa.  It is normally mixed with wine here, it is a fizzy water, lightly lemony and lightly sweet.  Seems to always come with zero calories, as opposed to 140 for a can of coke - oh and after a little on-line search, a tablespoon of white sugar is 45 calories, so a can of coke has 3 and a bit tbls of sugar.  More than enough.

I recordava gaseosa.  Normalment, com sapigueu, aquí està posat amb vi, que porta gas, té una mica de gust de llimona i està una mica dolça.  Normalment no porta cap caloria, en lloc d'una llauna de Coke, que porta unes 140Kcal i desprès d'una cerca del internet, una cullera de sucre porta unes 45 Kcals, per això, una llauna de Coke porta unes 3 i pico colleres de sucre. Més d'el que necessito.

Anyway, silly, but there it is, got a nice tasting drink that doesn't have too much wrong with it and now I've got a plan. Sometimes working out these ridiculous issues can feel so rewarding, no?
És una tonteria, però és així, he trobat una beguda que té un bon gust, que no està malament i ara tinc un plan.  De vegades, solucionant aquests temes ridícules pot ser gratificant.


elpadawan said...

Kinda makes you wish they had bubble tea, right?

Beth said...

Read the title and first sentence and thought you might be suffering from a gastrointestinal disorder. ;)
I usually drink a wine spritzer with a slice of lemon (sounds a bit like gaseosa) & manage to make it last a very long time before switching to ice water. I'm not a big fan of alcohol.

Sam said...

sounds really good! 'sides diet anything is bad for you...I'd take sugar any day although it's not much better...sounds like you've worked out the perfect plan. I've switched to "club soda" low sodium stuff now w/ a slice of lime...oh and the occasional bottle of wine! LOL!

Helen said...

It is really hard to find a non alcoholic drink that isn't really sweet. At home I drink either lime and soda or ginger ale which aren't too sickly

oreneta said...

ElP, don't even go there.......SOOO sad, but I'm going to TO in a few months. There's an industry I should start up all my spare time!

Yeah Beth, I basically want the spritzer....

Sam, that'd work too, the problem is that here I have trouble finding that...

Helen EXACTLY, there's booze and little kid drinks....lime is little used here.....there is fizzy water, but sometimes a little flavour is nice too.