Everyone has to do it once, I guess. We have to learn by butting our heads up against the wall hard from time to time! I went for a run this morning, and followed my normal routine. A banana, a piece of toast and a mug of tea, except today I didn't have time for the cup of tea (this should have been the first warning bell).
Tothom ho ha de fer una vegada. He anat a córrer aquest matí amb el meu sistema normal. Un plàtan, una torrada i te, però aquest matí no tenia temps per el te (ho hauria de ser un senyal).
Normally I go running at around 9:30 am, after the big boxer who likes our route has gone home, but it's getting hotter here and I've got a TON to do today, so I went earlier. Those of you who run, can probably see where this is going.
Normalment vaig a córrer a les 9: més o menys, quan el gos molt gran que li agrada la nostre ruta també ha tornat a casa, però fa més calor aquí i tinc MOLTES coses que haig de fer, per això he anat més aviat. Vosaltres qui corren, poden intuir on vaig am aquesta historia, no?
I was also feeling pressed for time, and wanted a tough work out so I was really pounding along. Uphill. My normal middle distance run has 380M of climbing in it, at the beginning. So I was pushing up the hill. I got to the top of the first big chunk and thought that I might just blow chunks. Yup.....ate too much then exercised hard. GROAN!
També he tingut un sentit de pressa i volia treballar molt, llavors, pujava molt ràpidament. Aquesta ruta que he fet avui té unes 380M de desnivell i tot la pujada és per començar. Quan he arribat cap amunt del primer tros he pensat que vomitaria. Sí. Menjava massa i feia massa d'exercici. Bleurgh!
Called the man, my own personal wizard in all these things, and he assured me that if I throttled back a whole lot it would ease off. I actually got a pretty decent run in and I learned a couple of things too.
He trucat l'Home, el meu entrenador personal, i m'ha dit que si vaig més a poc a poc milloraria. Al final ha anat molt bé i he après algunes coses també
Like timing food and exercise, but also I learned the hard (and slightly disgusting way) to bring the pace down. Something I'm not so good at, I tend to run full bore till I can't and then walk a bit...then run again.
Com organitzant menjar i exercici i he après com puc anar més a poc a poc. No ho faig bé, sempre vull anar tan ràpid com puc i descanso, i torno a fer el mateix.
I am visiting my sister this weekend in PARIS!!! with youngest, and I am hoping to run with her (she's going to run me into the ground) cause I think she is way better at controlling the pace and I'm hoping to pick up a couple of tips!!!
Aniré a visitar la meva germana aquest cap de setmana a PARIS!!! am la Petita i espero que puc anar a córrer amb ella (em matarà) perquè em sembla que té molt més facilitat en controlant el ritme i vull après més!
No posts for a couple of days...I'm outta town! Fins la setmana que ve! Me'n vaig!
Enjoy Paris :). And don't throw up in the plane :p
PS: they fixed the comments, I can use my wordpress ID again \o/
Have a wonderful time - Paris, family and running - a great combination. (For you - I'd have to omit the running part...)
It was marvelous ElP!!! and I didn't barf in the plane \o/ (love that symbol)
Beth, I did, it was wonderful, and the kids all had a fantastic time together so that was great.
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