Thursday, October 25, 2012

A good use of unemployment, si estigués aturat...

or, 'the hills are alive with unemployed la la laaaa'

o, hi ha molta gent al muntanya aquests dies.

You all know, and have heard endlessly, that unemployment in Spain is ridiculously high, the stats say 25%, and amongst the people I know, that easily plays out, if not more cause it doesn't include all the self-employed that are just barely scraping by, or not.

Tothom saps les estadístiques sobre els números de gent sense feina, que està un numero tan alt que és ridícul. Un 25% i entre les persones que jo conec, el numero està correcte, senzillament, en realitat em sembla que ha de ser més alt, perquè no compte els autònoms que quasi no poden viure, o menys.

The upside to all this is the sheer number of people who have taken the opportunity to hang out in the mountains, on their bikes, running walking, taking their dogs out.  It is such a great way to manage the difficulty of the whole thing.  The numbers of people out in recent years has definitely climbed, though my evidence is anecdotal.  The reality is that I mostly have mornings free, and so I can usually go out.  Before, not so many folks, some retirees, who are still out there, but few others.  Now?  It's getting hard for a girl to take a bathroom break.

El punt fort de tot això és el numero de gent que estan aprofitant la oportunitat d'anar a la muntanya, a fer bici, per córrer, caminar, o fer un passeig amb el gos.  Està una manera de gestionar la dificultat tant fantàstic.  Saludable i sensible.  El numero de gent ha pujat força en els últims anys, encara que la meva evidència és anecdòtic.  En realitat, normalment tinc temps lliures als matins i normalment puc sortir.  Abans, no hi havia tanta gent, alguns jubilats, que encara hi són, però poc més.  Ara?  Trobo difícil trobar un lloc per anar al lavabo!

There's always some sort of silver lining.  No?  Sempre hi ha un punt bon, no?


Anonymous said...

Well, at least they're not staying home lamenting. Might even help some clear their heads and get them on track to be back on their feet :)

oreneta said...

Indeed, still less are they in the bars!