Monday, October 22, 2012

calm to chaos, tranquilitat a caos

I was calmly waiting in the kitchen, about to have a snack at around 11:20.  My buddy who I'm doing the language classes with, I'm helping him with English, he's helping me with Catalan, was due in 10 min.

Then I heard the man wipe out upstairs.

Soft swearing noises...

I ran up.  His d*mn slippers, that have no tread at all.  This is the about the third time he's fallen because of these slippers, but will he go buy new ones? no.

Grumbling, I flew out the door, got $ at the bank, put cash into Youngest's phone and the mans, ran to the shoe store, got new slippers.  Only possible in a small town this...and got home by 11:30 as buddy was walking up to the house, passed him, went in, got the man to try on the new slippers, burned back out the door to toss the old ones definitively O.U.T.  OUT.

Got back, buddy's looking somewhat confused in the entryway, and the man is getting ready to go out the door row a run...when he informs me that the dog stinks cause he rolled in some, well, you can imagine what.

Man's got to hang around and speak English with Buddy while I roar upstairs (why you might ask didn't the Man simply wash the dog himself, I asked myself that too, afterwards - falls in my domain it would seem)  strip off, fling the beast in the tub and suds him up, then dry the dog off, myself off and the bathroom off before dressing again and soaring back downstairs to start the language classes, only kinda late.....

Buddy asked me if I was stressed, no I said, thrown into chaos.  happens sometimes, no?

Estava esperant, tranquil·lamant en la cuina, a punt de esmorzar a un quart de dotze, i cinc.  Un amic meu, amb qui faig un intercanvi de classes d'anglès i català, arribaria en un deu minuts.

I he sentit l'Home cau a la primera planta.

Paraulotes sortint.

He pujat, corrent.  Les seves sabatilles! No tenen cap dibuix, i estava el tercer cop que ha caigut per culpa d'aquestes sabatilles....però no aniria MAI a compre-les de nou. Clar que no.

Rondinant, he sortit de la casa volant, he anat a la caixa per diners, i quan hi era, he posat saldo al mòbil de la Petita i de l'Home també, he anat a la botiga i he comprat les sabatilles.  Tot això es pot fer només en una poble petita perquè he arribat a casa a les 11:30 seguint el meu amic, li he passat, he entrat la casa, l'Homa les ha posat per mira la mida i sortia un altre cop per llençar les sabatilles velles.  

Quan he tornat un altre cop, l'Amic ha quedat a l'entrada una mica confós, i l'Home estava preparant-se per anar a córrer, i m'ha informat que el gos, en Chuck, fa pudor perquè s'ha ficat en, mira, en merda.  

L'Homa havia de quedar-se una mica més temps per parlar en anglès amb l'Amic i jo he volat amunt amb el gos (perquè l'Home no l'ha rentat el gos el mateix és un altre pregunta, que m'he preguntat desprès, em tocar, em sembla)  m'he despullat, l'he llençat a la banyera, l'he rentat, l'he assecat, m'he assecat, i he assecat el bany, he reposat les meves robes i baixava un altre cop (volant, clar) per començar les classes...una mica tarde

L'Amic m'ha preguntat si fos, li he dit, llençat al caos, això passa a vegades, no?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was just in a lazy mood... And eh, if somebody ends up doing all the stuff for him in the end, why bother? :D