Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Rain rain rain, and HALLOWEEN, pluja, pluja, pluja i HALLOWEEN!!

I woke this morning, thinking we were going into BCN to meet a friend, but it had rained and rained and rained all night long.  And was fixing to rain all morning.

As I had woken at 4am (fun wow!) I was up and eating breakfast in plenty of time.  Considering the rain, and the transit strike, we called it off.  I went back to bed and slept for 2 hours more!!!! 


Decorations went up, there are kids downstairs, very few trick or treaters, but as this is not the custom here, not a huge surprise.

Going walking tomorrow with a different friend, then try again for BCN on Friday.  A Castanyada - a traditional event here, roasting chestnuts with friends and family,  on Saturday and maybe, just maybe, going sailing on Sunday!

What a wonderful weekend, a four day weekend too!

Happy Halloween folks!

He despertat aquest matí amb la idea que l'Home i jo aniria cap a Barcelona per trobar-nos amb un amic, però que ha plogut i plogut i plogut per tota la nit, i tenia pinta de ploure per tot al matí també.

Que hagi despertat a les 4 de la matinada (que bé!) he baixat per esmorzar amb temps a sobre.  Però, comptant la pluja i una vaga de transport públic, hem decidit d'anar-hi un altre dia.  Llavors, he tornat cap al llit i he dormit per dues hores més!!!


Hem decorat la casa, ara mateix hi ha nens a casa, molt pocs nens picant la porta, però no és un tradició aquí.

Demà aniré a caminar amb un altre amic, i divendres intentarem un altre cop d'anar a BCN.  Anirem a una Castanyada dissabte, i si tinc molt de sort, aniré a navegar amb vela diumenge!

Quin pont fantàstic!

Happy Halloween tothom!


thecatalanway said...

Hi there Have a Happy Hallowe'en. We just went out for chestnuts and sweet potatoes roasted on a brazier. Then a brandy. that's enough excitment for one night! Hope you sleep better soon - what is going on there?

See you soon

love Kate x

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween :)
Roasting chestnuts elevated to "tradition" level, that's quite a feat :)

oreneta said...

Kate...what is going on? I don't sleep....I simply wake up, and don't go back to sleep....what can I say. Other than that, we are all well.

ElP, hey, we all have to have our traditions, no?