Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Both kids made it till two...lunchtime. Totes dues nenes han quedat a cole fins a les dues, l'hora de dinar.

And they weren't too dead when they came back.  They ate lunch and both went to lie down for the afternoon, though some homework was done and Eldest had to study for three tests tomorrow.  Poor thing.

i també no eren fet a pos quan han tornat.  Han dinat bé i totes dues han anat a descansar-les per la tarda.  Han fet alguns deures, la gran té tres exàmens demà, pobreta.

On another note, I find the internet weird.  There are times when I have 7 or 8 tabs open with articles I want to read, and I end up having to leave them up because I can't get around to them all, and others when it bores me silly.  I check my email, glance at facebook, check up on here a glimps at the greader and I'm gone.

Per un altre tema, trobo la internet estrany.  Hi ha temps quan tinc 7 o 8 pàgines oberts  amb diferent articles que vull llegir, i no puc tancar l'ordinador perquè no vull perdre'ls i hi ha altres temps quan em trobo tan avorrida.  Miro el meu email, dono un cop d'ull a facebook, aquí i el greader, i jo me'n vaig.

The man is playing Cowboy Junkies....that's a good band.  Mmmm.

El meu home està tocant Cowboy Junkies.....un bon grup. mmmmmm

1 comment:

Beth said...

Went to the link - love that song (one of my favourites) and love that band.
Slow recovery for the girls - thank God you never caught whatever it is. (Hope I didn't jinx you by writing that.)