Monday, February 6, 2012

The upside of being ill...tbc. Les coses bones de estar malaltes...en continuació

The girls, as I have mentioned before, have been sick for a while.  They are improving and I have seen some heartening changes, specifically, the nausea is mostly gone and they can east most anything, particularly in the middle of the day.  A big improvement.

Les meves filles, com he dit abans, han estat malaltes per un estona.  Estan millorant i he vists alguns cavis que em deixen contenta, específicament, que ara, més o menys, not tenen nàusea i poden menjar quasi tot, especialment per dinar.  Aixà és molt bé.

At first, they were really too sick to do much of anything, and pretty much lay around....then they improved a bit and ate a bit more and lay around, now watching screens endlessly.  Computer screens.  Now they are that much better that they are getting creative.  Eldest has produced some amazing drawings, one in particular that she has worked on for a few days.

Per començar, van estat massa malaltes per fer res, en realitat, no feien res, només quedar-se al llit....llavors, van millorar una mica i menjava una mica més i quedava estirats mirant pantalles sense fiiiiiiiii.  Pantalles dels ordinadors.  Ara estan tant més sanes que les seves creativitat ha ressorgit.  La meva filla gran ha acabat uns dibuixos extraordinàries, un en particular, que ha passat dies per acabar-lo.

Youngest has discovered a whole new skill.  She sat down one day with a blank piece of paper and some scissors.  That's it.  No pencil, no tracing, her head, her hands some paper and scissors.  She has been producing the most amazing silhouettes of people.  They are astonishing, truly and all from her head.  Right down to the feet...which are tough, no erasing only cutting.

La meva filla petita ha descobert una facilitat completament desconegut per ella abans.  Un dia va buscar un full de paper i uns tisores.  Tot.  Ni un llapis, ni una manera de copia un dibuix.  Nomes el seu cap, les mans, paper i tisores.  Ha estant produint silhouttes/perfils de gens.  Són increïbles, de debò i tot del seu cap.  Fins i tot els peus, que són molt difícil, i sense esborrant res, només tallant.

Their mother, on the other hand, having spent a day and a half reading Harry Potter 7 aloud (I CRIED!!!) has not had so many creative endeavours, not ever taking photos of these oevres, I'll have to post them tomorrow.  I did get a good run in though!

Les seves mare, per l'altre banda, havent passat un dia i mig llegint Harry Potter set en veu alta (PLORAVA!!!!) no ha fet tants coses creatives, ni fotos dels obres de les meves filles.  Ho hauré de fer demà.  Però, he anat a córrer, i ha anat molt bé!


Beth said...

It’s been a long haul for the girls – being creative is certainly a good sign of being on the road to recovery. As for you? Stay healthy!!

thecatalanway said...

that's fantastic news - can;t wait to see the photos. for me illness is always a transition from one state to another with new energy bubbling up from some deep inner source. sounds like something great is emerging for the girls k xxx

elpadawan said...

Maybe that's how artists are born... "I was sick, staying home, bored, nothing to do, so I figured I might as well create something". :D

oreneta said...

Beth, indeed.....creativity is definitely a sign of increasing energy....I'm soooo glad!

Kate, a good way of thinking of it.....fingers crossed.

ElP...I think there's actually a lot of truth to that, you read about a lot of authors who were sickly as children.