Thursday, May 3, 2012


More or less, I mostly played basketball.  Under the Eiffel Tower and all, but mostly, basketball.
Més o menys, quasi tot que feia?  Jugava basquet.  A sota la torre Eiffel i tot, però, basquet.

Not what everyone goes to Paris for, but I had Youngest with me, my sister has two primary age boys and my friend who lives there does too, so basketball it was.  Really, I had gone to see my sister and family, as well as my friend and family, it just happened to be in Paris (life can be so rough!)
Això no és gaire típica per una viatge a Paris, però la Petita va anar i la meva germana té dos nens joves i la meva amiga, un nen i una nena, per això, basquet.  La veritat és que vaig anar per visitar la meva germana i la seva família, també la meva amiga i la seva família....per casualitat, viuen a Paris (la vida està molt dur de vegades, no?)

Youngest and I did make it to one exhibit, an Ai Wei Wei exhibit held at the Jeu de Pomme which I enjoyed enormously but which both GM (who comments from time to time) and my buddy were mixed on.  It would have been nice to see some sculptural work, but that wasn't the curatorial idea, nor the mandate for the museum (from what I understand) and I still found it revelatory and fascinating. 
La petita i jo vam anar a un museu un exhibició d'obres d'en Ai Wei Wei al Jeu de Pomme que trobava fantàstic, però que la GM (qui deixa comentaries de vegades) i la meva amiga van trobar una mica menys espectacular.  Haig de dir que hauria estat agradable de veure algunes peces esculturals, però això no era el mandat del director ni del museu.  A mi, vaig trobar l'exhibició fascinant i reveladora.

Youngest and I walked back along the Seine, where I took almost all of the photos for the trip that weren't of family....photographically it was not much of an event.
La petita i jo van tornar del museu pel Siene, a on vaig agafar quasi tots les fotos del viatge, que no eren de la meva família....fotograficament, no estava un cap de setmana impressionant.

That said, the food was, as always, gorgeous - my brother-in-law can COOK - and the cheese, pain o chocolate, croissant almondine, the bread, the butter........(we went for pizza, it was good too) , the weather was pretty darned good,  and the basketball was a blast.  We did at least play in the Champ de Mars, under the Eiffel Tower more or less.
Tot i que no feia molt de turista, el menga era, com sempre, impressionant.  El meu cunyat POT CUINAR.  i el formatge, pain o chocolate, croissants almondine, el pa, la mantega......(vam anar per pizza, estava gaire francès, però bo), els temps eren força bé, basquet estava super divertit.  Vam jugar, al menys, a sota la torre Eiffel al Champ de Mar....

So here's the photos I have:  Aquí tens les fotos que tinc:

Two views of the river...dos vistes del riu.....

and three of the underside of one of the bridges, it was GORGEOUS...i tres del estructura d'un dels ponts....el trobava fascinant i molt maca.

Vull tornar!  I want to go back!


thecatalanway said...

Great to see photos. good old Paris - it's all beautiful. those almond pastries are my favourite. Wish I'd asked you to bring me one. I'd have come over specially to get it!

K x

Anonymous said...

You're almost a local now, if you spent a week-end in Paris doing stuff that tourists typically don't do there :)

carteraroundtheworld said...

Loved having you - and was definitely the best playing basketball under the Eiffel Tower with you!

Sam said...

it has been to long since Paris!! So glad you had a great time...lucky you to be able to pop over there for a short visit.... : )

oreneta said...

K, if I had was very good too.

ElP, it did feel very local honestly, like we were just living there rather than marvelling at being there.

It was amazing.....what a wonderful visit.

Sam, when did you go last? It is an advantage to living over here, things are much much closer, then again NYC isn't exactly all that far for us and how often have I gone, nor Washington, nor nor nor....