Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sat afternoon Dissabte a la tarde

Well, the celler was the morning. This is the afternoon.   We had a picnic lunch outside the celler, complete with wine for some. Then piled back into the cars to drive here

Desprès d'un pícnic a fora del celler, vam anar aquí:

These are the ruins of a Carthusian monestary.  In 1835 the Spanish kings? Government? seized all of the property of a vast range of church and specifically monastic holdings.  These particular monks, who lived isolated lives in cells, dominated in a truly feudal way a fairly large swath of land that makes up all of the historic comarque of Priorat.  Given the opportunity, the peasants went in, burned stole and then took the place apart.  Much of the building material was likely seized to use for construction on their buildings as well. 

Era una monestir Cartoixa que, com moltes altres monestirs, en l'any 1835, van tirar a terra.  Tenia control d'un gran quantitat de terra, tot el que ara està Priorat antic.  Els pagesos, quan tenien la dret i oportunitat que els va deixa els reis aquest any, entrava, robava molt i cremava la resta.  Estic segur també que una bona quantitat dels pedres dels edificis estava agafat per contsrueix altres edificis pels pagesos.

It was a beautiful place, they even had toilets, each one, with drains.

És una espai molt maca, sobretot tenien vàters cadascú, amb clavegueres!

You can see that I like doorways and windows.
Pots fixar que m'agrada portes i finestres.

The wife of the man from the celler had recommended a walk to us while we were picnicking, a loop above the monastery.  Being an group of hikers/mountain types, that seemed a good plan.
La dona de l'home del celler ens va recomanar una petita excursió una circuit a sobre el monestir.  Que estem un grup de muntanya, ho vam fer.

Saw this flower, don't know what it is.  Vaig veure aquest flor, no sé que és.

We found this old masia, mostly tumbled down and with a SPECTACULAR view.  Vam trobar aquest masia, més o menys arruïnat però té una vista espectacular.  

It also had 3 fonts, one of which was piped down here:  També té tres fonts, un va per aquí:

A lovely day.  After this we piled into cars again and headed to an alberg to sleep.  Dinner was good if somewhat tepid, provided by the managers of the alberg and I slept well, not everyone did as some snored.  More later.

Un dia magnifica.  Desprès d'aquest passeig, vam pujar als cotxes un altre cop i vam anar al alberg.  Sopar era bo sinó una mica tèbia, els del alberg ens va portar-ho.  Vaig dormir bé, però no tothom ho feia, alguns roncaven.  Més desprès.


Beth said...

That place looks so serene, so beautiful - but I cannot imagine having the discipline and devotion to live in a cell.
So, you slept well while others were bothered by snoring? Were you one of the “some snored?” ;)

elpadawan said...

Nice pictures :). I hope nobody drunk and drove after the picnic... Not sure what the allowed alcohol levels are, in Spain...

oreneta said...

Beth, you have to see those cells, I've lived in houses that had fewer square feet. And no, I am reliably informed that I was not one of the snorers.

ElP....0% blood levels were not achieved, but I doubt anyone had more than a glass in total over a good hour and a half including lunch.....all was well, though several looked at me wishfully as I wasn't drinking. Sadly I don't have a license here either.