Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Technology envy

Hmmm, want want want
Hmmmm, vull....vull....vull.

ultra compact camera that takes great pictures
una càmera ultra compact que far fotos fantàstics

wristwatch with GPS, as in, it will tell me my lat and long (most important) and tell me how far I've gone alongside maybe the height I've gone up and down...the last would be nice but not so important.  Oh, and time and date too.
Una rellotge amb GPS, que em diu on estic amb latitud i longitud (el part més important de tot) i que em diu al distancia que he travessat i el desnivell.  Aquest part seria guia, però no imprescindible.  I, clar, l'hora i el dia també.

Met a man in the mountains who had one of those today and we had a nice chat about them.  I think I know exactly which one I want too!  Now to rationalise the purchase price!
Avui hem trobat una home al muntanya qui va tenir un d'aquests rellotges amb gps.  Hem tingut una bona xerraire sobre els diferent tipus.  Ara jo sé quin rellotge vull.  Ara haig de decidir si tinc raó o no.


Beth said...

Go for it! For safety reasons.
And because you WANT to!

thecatalanway said...

you are very modestly not mentioning that the chat about GPS watch was totally and fluently in Catalan! Was very impressed. And BOnnie says hello to Chuckie who she is now in love with kxx

Anonymous said...

Now you guys need to start Geocaching....with that new fangled watch...your going to get


Bobbie said...

Just read your profile... pretty jealous!! Enjoy!

oreneta said...

Yeah....but it's pricey....

Kate, Chuck (and I) would totally love to do it again!!!

Nomad...I know a guy here who's really big into it...maybe.

Bertie:...Thanks for dropping by!