Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bosc vertical

Notes about the Bosc Vertical  Notes pel Bosc Vertical.

Went with the kids on Monday, more news about the weekend soon.....  Vaig anar amb les meves filles aquest dilluns, més noticies del cap de setmana quan puc.

1.  Go early. Vas aviat
2.  If doing two routes, have a snack between them, and a break.  You enjoy the second one more that way.   Si vols fer dues rutes, esmorzar entre les dues i descansar.  Desfruiteries més la segona com així.
3.  You can bring food, and they will watch it for you, all they have is pop and chips. Pots portar menjar i val la pena perquè només tenen patates i fanta/cola
4.  It is seriously cool És super guia.
5.  Wear shirts that cover your belly. Portas una samarreta que tapa tota la panxa.

6.  Have a blast. Desfruites


Beth said...

Rope burn on the belly??
Thanks for the advice – not sure when I’ll get the opportunity to indulge – or if I would. ;) I’m a bit leery of heights – especially with so much visible space below…

oreneta said...

Beth, more like harness rub.....
and I know, the advice is not hugely useful, but we may well go back and I want to remember it....more of a personal journal entry that one, in some ways.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lot of fun... If you're not afraid of heights, of course :D

PS: what the hell is this new captcha system???

oreneta said...

No fear of heights here....amazing how fast you acclimatize too.....the new captcha system is dreadful!