Tuesday, May 29, 2012

L'olla de Núria

I went off and did the Olla de Núria with a local group on Sunday, rising at a somewhat astonishing 3:30am from the Alberg there to do so.   Núria is a valley that is surrounded by a series of 20 or 22 peaks that very nearly completely encircle it.  The idea is to go up one side, and walk all the way round and down the other.  It involves a long day at some altitude.  The majority of the peaks are around the 2700 meter mark, or about about 8900 feet.  The tallest, Puig Mal, is 2910m or 9547 feet.  Pretty high considering we all live pretty near sea level!
Vaig anar a fer l'olla de Núria amb un grup d'aquí, vam aixecar a les 3:30 de la matinada al l'Alberg allà per fer-ho.  Imagino si estas llegint en Català que sapigues que és la Vall de Núria i els cims d'allà.  

Here is a link to the GPS track that I captured with the fancy new hiking/running watch.  Aquí pots veure el trac de GPS que vaig fer amb la nova rellotge amb GPS.

And here are some photos:  I aquí, alguns fotos!

An extravagantly good day.  Un dia quasi excessivament bé.


Beth said...

What a cool link!

And you must be so incredibly fit...

oreneta said...

I do feel fitter than I was, but there's always someone so much more fit....like the bar just keeps moving away, no?

Anonymous said...

Nice :). Looks like the GPS thingie was also a pretty good investment/present :)

oreneta said...

Cool, no? Nice for running too, though it's best feature is undoubtable that if I wipe out and have to call the man for help, I can tell him where the heck I am.

You're right, what's with the captcha!