En Chuck i jo ara som, oficialment, un equip a Camp Kesem. Tenim, cadascú, el nostre pròpia pàgina i si et ve de gust, i vols ajudar, és a on pots anar per fer-ho.
Like so many people, I have a friend in Canada who has been battling cancer for quite some time now, and has recently been re-diagnosed. It makes me very sad. There is no other way to put it, and it is very hard on her family and on her kids.
Com molta gen, tinc una amiga a Canadà que té càncer, i ho ha tingut per temps i ha sortit un altre cop. Em fa molt trista. No hi ha cap altre manera per dir-ho. A sobre, està molt dur per la seva família i els seus fils.
So when I discovered that this years 110MoN was to benefit Camp Kesem, where kids from families enduring cancer can go for free, sounded pretty darned good for me. As I am here in Spain and my bud is in Canada, there is really nothing at all I can do for her, but I can do this. Chuck and I are going to walk 100+K (depending on the route) this coming weekend (depending also on the ankle). If you want to help out, here are the links:
Per això quan vaig descobrir que aquest any el 100MoN està per ajudar Camp Kesem, a on nens de famílies que estan sobreviuen un càncer poden anar gratuït, a mi sonava molt bé. Que estic aquí a Catalunya, i la meva amiga està allà a Canadà, hi ha molt poc que puc fer per ajudar-la, però això, sí. En Chuck i jo, caminarem 100+K (depèn del ruta) aquest cap de setmana (depèn també del turmell). Si voldria ajudar, aquí tens els enllaços.
Chuck's page at Camp Kesem. La pàgina d'en Chuck a Camp Kesem
My page at Camp Kesem. La meva pàgina a Camp Kesem
If you would prefer to make a donation to an organisation in your own country, fantastic. Camp Kesem is all over the US at this point and hasn't expanded beyond those borders, yet.
Si preferies ajudar una ONG en el teu país, fantàstic. Camp Kesem té moltes casals per a tot arreu als Estats Units, però no han creat cap fora d'allà, encara.
Thank you in advance.
Gràcies a tots,
Chuck and/i Oreneta
I hope your ankle is better by the walk,(Chuck is very cute). Good luck with the 100k's! WOW, can't wait to hear how it goes.
Done! For both you and Chuck.
(Hope I did it correctly...)
You did!!!! Thanks so much Beth!
I tried to donate but the website crashed so I will give something to a Cancer charity here which helps families and has helped an ex colleague of mine who's grandaughter has leukemia. We did a dressing up day to raise money in the libraries last year and raised £1000, so here's hoping you are as fortunate in your sponsors.
(amusingly my non robot work is anksl - nearly ankles!)
Helen, sorry the site crashed. Weird. I'm just delighted you're giving to your local group either way! Anksl!! Could use one of those I think.
Site didn't crash for me. Good luck :)
you're a rock star Padawan, well I guess actually, you'd be a Padawan, no? Thanks a ton!
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