Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I have almost stopped reading these days. Quasi he acabat de llegir aquests dies

I love Murakami's books, love love love them.  Except the one I'm reading.  That I have been reading for a very very long time, cause I just don't like it.  I want to finish it, but I don't like it.  I have a bunch of other books but they are all kinda heavy and literary and dark. 

Good lord what I'd give for an hour in the Toronto Public Library.  All of you in TO...I hope you know just how luck you are.

M'encanten els llibres de Murakami, me'ls encanten me'ls encanten me'ls encanten.  Excepte el que estic llegint ara.  L'he estat llegint per molt i molt i molt de temps, perquè simplement, no me l'agrada.  Vull acabar-lo, però no me l'agrada.  Tinc unes quantes altres llibres per llegir, però son tots una mica pesats, i literaris i foscos.  

No puc dir què donaria per un sol hora a la Biblioteca Publica de Toronto.  Tots vosaltres que hi sou....espero que sapigueu la sort que tingueu


Beth said...

If you put that one aside (perhaps forever…) you’d probably start reading more again. I figure I’m too old to struggle through a book I don’t like when there are so many others I want to read.

And, yes, I do know how lucky I am to have the library!

Sam said...

I'm with Beth...Life is WAY to short to read something you don't like and perhaps if you put this one aside you'll be in the mood to finish it sometime in the future. I find that works occasionally - then there are the times when I just hate the book no matter when I go back to it!! LOL! I"m assuming there is no Public Library system where you are? We are VERY luck here, and thank god there is NO Rob Ford in Halifax trying to get rid of our library system...I'd go crazy!

oreneta said...

You're both right, and I've set it aside and started something else, yet I still want to know how it ends, d**n it.