Spent the morning being an (unused) substitute examiner, and it was more fascinating than you might have thought it would be......I'm new to this examining for international levels, and it was good to get my hands on some of the materials and get a chance to practice a bit, even if it was on my own. Doing another stint next week, where I am on the list to actually examine, and I am looking forward to it with more confidence than I had this morning.
He passat el matí a Barcelona, estava una examinadora de substitució, inutilitzada....era més interessant del que pensis........per mi està una cosa nova, ser examinadora per exàmens internacionals i he aprofitat l'oportunitat de mirar la material i de practicar una mica, encara que era jo sola. Tinc més treball la setmana que ve i no seré substituta i ara tinc més confiança desprès d'aquest matí.
On another note, I am off tomorrow for another adventure! Mountains HO!!!! Going with a group this time, so I have less organising to do myself and I can follow along rather blindly, which is nice.
Per canvi de tema, me'n vaig a les muntanyes una altre cop demà!!!! YEEEEEAAAA!!!! Me'n vaig amb un grup, per això no cal fer tantes gestions per organitzar tot, simplement puc anar-hi i seguir els altres.
So, no posts for a bit....I'll be climbing things!
No escric per una estona, pujaré!!
Have fun, good luck - and I'm wondering - is your faithful companion accompanying you on this trek?
No, his Chuckiness isn't, this is too mountainous for him...though he'd like the cool, it isn't the time to try.
Have a fab time and make sure you follow along after folks who have a clue.
Your time away will give me a chance to catch up . . . not good when I don't find/make time to check in with you!
I will, I did, and here's a little news while I wait to have time to write up the long walk from the weekend!
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