Sunday, May 20, 2012

walk with kate and more. Caminada amb la Kate i més.

Went for a walk with Kate and Bonnie on Friday, I haven't had a chance to write that up yet either!  I seem to be doing nothing at all but walking if you were to read the blog....but life has other stuff going on too...more lower down, first our walk with Kate. 
Vaig anar a passejar els gossos amb la Kate i la Bonnie divendres passat, i no he tingut temps per penjar una descripció d'això tampoc.  Sembla que l'única cosa que faig és anar a caminar, so només llegir el bloc, però la vida va córrent com sempre....més desprès, ara caminant amb la Kate.

I've got a new camera, which is very is tiny which I love for longer walks, but I have to say that the photos are not nearly as good as with the bigger one.  This one below of Chuck for instance is pretty flat and grainy, for all that it is another photo of the pooch lying in a puddle while drinking it......  Tinc una càmera nova, que m'emociona força....està molt petita, que m'encanta per caminades més llargs, però haig de dir que no fer fotos tan bones com la càmera més gran.  Aquest a baix d'en Chuck estirat en l'aigua mentrestant bevent-ho......

Some lovely wildflowers....vam trobar flors molt boniques

Part of Kate's delectable picnic!  I brought a couple of mangy gooey bananas and she was good enough to share some of her delicious spoils with me! A baix un part del pícnic delectable de la Kate!  Portava jo unes plàtans, una mica vell i sobre madur i malgrat d'això va repartir la seva riquesa amb mi!!!!

What else have I been up to?  Woken up about 15 times last night with the rain and thunder and lightning that sounded like it landed next door.  A moment when I am most delighted to not be living on the boat, man how I hate lightning on a sailboat.  Went for a 7K walk with Youngest and Chuck (the man came part way, but then had to leave to go rowing) to raise money to fight cancer - a local effort.... I involuntarily went to a Catalan poetry session, as the man and I were signed up to be the attendants for an hour at a local show about climbing in Catalunya, and the poetry club just never thinking that the two of us would be able to hang out for an hour with some chips and something to drink in the quiet, we ended up sitting around silently listening to this all.  We went to a local bar afterwards for a bit of a time together anyway. 
Què més?  La nit passat vaig despertar unes quantes vegades amb la pluja, i llamps i trons...alguns sonava com van enterrar-se a la casa de la veïna.  Un moment quan estic molt contenta de no ser a la barca.  Llamps en una barca de vella, no m'agrada gens ni mica.  Vaig anar a caminar un 8K amb la petita (l'Home ha vingut un part, però havia de marxar per anar a remar) per guanyar diners contra càncer, un esforç local....involuntariament vaig anar a un exposició de poesia Catalana.  L'Home i jo vam dir que faríem un hora de vigilància per una exhibició local sobre escalada en Catalunya, i el grup de poesia simplement no van para mai.....vam pensar que podríem quedar-nos allà, tranquils amb una bossa de patates i alguna cosa per beure, i vam quedar seguts, silents i esperants.  Per tant, al final vam anar a un bar per passa una mica de temps junts.

Chelsea won, not sure if I care much one way or another. Chelsea va guanyar, no sé si m'importa.

I went running, which was delightful having been away from it for so long.  Feels weird to say so, never thought I would LIKE running.  Weird weird weird. Vaig anar a fer fúting, i va anar molt molt bé, especialment perquè no ho he fet per unes setmanes.  Trobo estranya dient això, no pensava mai en la meva vida que m'agradaria corrent, però si, a mi m'agrada i a sobre ho trobo a faltar si passa temps!

Also the girls and I went off to this Goya exhibit at the Caixa Forum.  So amazing that we can just hop on the metro and go and see an exhibit like this.  Such a complicated man living in such complicated times.  The paintings and drawings were so very varied.  We also went through this piece, which involves you quite directly in the work and it was quite popular with Youngest, and Eldest and I were more than happy to go through it several times again too. 
També he anat avui amb les nenes per veure l'exhibició de Goya a la Caixa Forum.
   Trobo impressionant que podem simplement pujar transport públic i arribar a un exhibició com així.  Una home tan complicat, vivien en temps tan complicats.  Les pintures i les dibuixos eren molt variades.  També hem passat per aquesta obra que ha agradat la Petita molt, i la Gran i jo estàvem ben contents de passar per allà unes vegades més.

Tomorrow?  Chuck to the vet, me to get mammogram results, Youngest to the podiatrist, me to a meeting and to work.  Hoping to get a 10K walk in though I am debating running it....we'll see.  All on the flat which I honestly kinda hate.
Demà?  En Chuck cap a la veterinària, jo buscant les resultats d'una mamografia, la Petita cap a un podòleg, jo tindré una reunió i hauré de treballar.  Espero que pugui fer un passeig de 10K, però també estic rumiant si ho córrer o si camino.  Està una ruta molt pla, que no m'agrada gens.


Sam said...

great pics, hope the family doctor day went well and you had a chance to do your walk....

more pic please, it's lovely to see where you live!!

oreneta said...

Thanks hon! All well at the docs! YEAH!!! Youngest needs orthotics, but that's not exactly a surprise.

Good stuff all around.

Anonymous said...

What's orthotics? I feel like I'm living in the boonies as I've come to realize I'm slowly losing touch with the changes in the English language. GRRRR!!! GM

oreneta said...

An orthotic is a custom made insert for your shoe that corrects your foot movement to prevent problems from emerging later on, like wearing on the joints or bunions or whatever.....they are little slips of magic., well, slightly bulkier than that and fairly pricey, but magic nonetheless.