Monday, May 7, 2012

Well THAT looks dramatic. Doncs, això sembla molt dramàtic

Took myself off to the village physiotherapist, who was Youngest's basketball coach when she did basketball, and has worked as a physiotherapist for the Premier basketball league here in Spain...
He anat avui al fisioterapeuta del poble, que era l'entrenadora de la Petita quan feia basquet i ha estat la fisioterapeuta per un equip de primer lliga aquí Catalunya.(em sembla era de Barça!!!)....

Just walked in the door to see what they thought, if they thought there was anything they could do to help.
Simplement he entrat per la porta per mira que pensant i si em poden ajudar.

45 min later:  VOILA!
Desprès de 45 minutes?  VOILA!

I had had an electric current run through it for more than 15 min, a massage for a while (which felt amazing and not painful like you would think) and ultrasound done.  They she taped it.  Wish I'd had the camera to take photos of the process, when I remove the tape on Wed as directed (if it doesn't bother me, in which case I am to remove it first) I'll take some shots to show the dismounting of this edifice that she constructed!
M'han posat una corrent d'electricitat ( o algú així) per més de 15 minutes, un massatge (fantàstic...i no feia mal com podries imaginar) i un ultrasò.  Desprès l'ha ficat aquesta cinta.  Em sap greu que no tinc fotos del proces perquè és un veritable edifici.  Quan el trec dimecres (si no em molesta abans) faig fotos dels nivells

A good way to find new voids in your vocab this is too.  Una bona manera per troba llacunes en el vocabulari, tot aquesta historia.

For now, it just looks mighty serious for some swelling that you'd barely see if you didn't know.  GET BETTER SOON ankle!!!!
Sembla molt greu per un inflamació que no pots notar si no saps que ho he fet mal.  MILLORI JA turmell!!!!!


kate said...

Well, I'm glad you're getting some first rate care. Hopefully it will be fine in time for your walk!

Anonymous said...

Looks like they're not taking any chance. That's a good sign, right? :).

J.G. said...

Wow, an edifice on your foot! I was thinking that was quite a good vocab word.

Looks like it was taken very seriously.