I've packed most everything, and it weighs too much. Tooooooo much. Something is going to have to get left behind, and I'm thinking food.
He fet la motxilla i pesa massa. Moooooolt massa. Hauré de deixar algunes coses, penso jo, que serà menjar.
Right now I have: Ara mateix porto:
2 sandwiches/entrepans
2 fuets (think a thin long salami without the spices)
2 chocolate bars/barres de xocolata
3 cacaolats
3 water bottles (still empty!)/ampolles d'aigua (buides!)
a bag of dates/un manyoc de dàtils
a whole lot of dog food/força menjar pel gos
a packet of cookies/galetes
Youngest is eating one of the fuets as we speak. Too much food! En aquest moment, la Petita està menjant un dels fuets.
No dog food can be tossed, I am debating dropping a chocolate bar from the bag, which will make Youngest ecstatic and maybe getting rid of the cookies.... No puc deixar menjar del gos, estic rumiant si vull deixar una barra de xocolata. La petita seria molt contenta si ho fes i potser les galetes queden aquí a casa.
But then what will I eat? Però que menjaré?
I think I am just getting rid of the fuet (which Youngest has already finished) and drinking up the cacaolats quickly ie breakfast, mid morning snack and lunch tomorrow. I can buy more anywhere easily. Em sembla que simplement deixo un fuet (que ja l'ha menjat la Petita) i beuré els cacaolats ràpidament, o sigui, per esmorzar, segon esmorzar i dinar. Aquests puc comprar molt senzillament per tot arreu.
1 comment:
Well, the more you eat, the lighter your bag will be. So at the beginning when you're still fresh, you bear the weight. As you get tired, you eat to replenish your energy, and it makes the bag lighter. Isn't nature beautiful?
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