Thursday, May 24, 2012

jonesing for a run, tinc ganes d'anar a córrer

But I am saving up for another big walk on, I have tons of work right now, some of it even PAID!!!

Però estic guardant tot per un altre gran paisatge aquest diumenge, per tant, no....a més, tinc molt de feina ara mateix i per alguns parts em pagant!!!

The gigantic blister on my heel is gone, but all the skin off the surface has come off it today.....wish it had held on through Sunday, that fresh new tender skin may find itself a wee bit uncomfortable before all is said and done on the weekend......ho hum

L'ampolla enorme que tenia al peu ja ha anat, però el pel ha sortit avui....m'hauria agradat si podia esperat per dilluns, aquest pel tant tendre podria ser una mica incomoda al final de diumenge.....mira, bé.

I've started another book, and I am nearly done with it......I think, in fact, that I'm going off to read right now!

He començat un altre llibre i quasi l'he acabat....em semble, que me'n vaig a llegir ara mateix!

Have a good one!
Que vagi molt bé!



Beth said...

Did you take my advice about dropping that one book and starting another? If so, it worked! Good to hear you enthusiastic about reading again.
Wear something to protect that blister on Sunday!
(still handing out advice….)

oreneta said...

Yes, and then I had a long train ride, and finished that book! YEAH!