So, we couldn't go snowshoeing, so instead we went rowing on the sea! How sweet is THAT!
Doncs. No podíem anar a fer raquetes llavors, hem anat a fer rem al mar!!!! Una meravella aquest país, Catalunya.
Of course I rowed quite a bit when we were living on the boat, and in the summers because our dingy's only auxiliary propulsion is us and a pair of oars. I have never, however, rowed with a group in a boat with other people you have to keep time with. I lie, I ice canoed one season, and we did it there. That was very nearly 20 years ago though......
Evidentment vaig fer força rem quan vam viure a la barca perquè la barqueta petita que vam utilitzar per anar i tornar a la terra no tenia cap altre propulsió fora de nosaltres i una parella de rems. Mai he fet rem amb un grup quan has de anar junts i a l'hora amb altres. No. Mentida. Feia canoa de gel un any i he era gens amb que vaig haver de coordinar-me. Fa 20 anys això.....
I don't know whether to show you the icky photos of my blistered and torn off blistered hands though...... either way, after the row we all sat around on the terrace for a while and then Youngest and I then went off to the beach for a few hours, after we left the rowing crowd.
No sé si us ensenyo una foto dels meus mans amb ampolles i ampolles trencades.....potser no. Desprès de remar hem passat una bona temps al terrat amb una mica de pica pica. Quan hem tornat a marxar, la petita volia quedar a la platja, i ho hem fet.
Lovely day.
Quin dia més maca.
Always nice to be on the water, yes? Even when it results in the blistery badges of rowing courage. I had one nasty one from kayaking but it was totally worth it! Sympathies while you heal up.
I agree with you, not the kind of thing to stop doing something for. Kayaking is something I have not done enough of, and that's the truth.
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