Monday, March 5, 2012

Where did that go? A on és aquest????

Youngest had a rough start to the day.  She was downstairs, peacefully eating her breakfast, her Dad finished making her sandwich for snack and I went off to put it in her bag.  She doesn't always get such service, but today we were all up. 

La Petita ha començat el dia en una manera una mica dur.  Estava a la cuina, esmorzant en pau, el seu pare ha acabat de fer la seva entrepà per esmorza i he anat a posar-la en la seva motxilla.  Això no passa cada dia, però avui estàvem tots despertats.

Only problem was I couldn't find it.  As is usual, a search ensued with various accusations about where someone might have put it, till finally Youngest thought that maybe she'd left it in a local store where we stopped in on Sat before lunch.  You see, Youngest this weekend had a ridiculous amount of homework, and she finds that her homework always goes faster if she comes up to where I work to do it.  No distractions, she goes in, works and leaves.  But this week she had so much that she came up on Sat morning as well, not just her usual Friday afternoon.

L'únic problema era que no la podem troba.  Com sempre la hem buscat, hem fet algunes acusacions un a l'altre per intentar d'endevinar a on podria ser o qui la ha posat en un lloc estrany.  Finalment, la Petita pensava que potser la va deixa la motxilla en una botiga per aquí abans de dinar dissabte.  Mira, aquesta setmana la Petita tenia un quantitat de deures impressionant.  Deu n'hi do!  I troba que pot fer els deures més ràpida si puja cap a on treballo.  No hi ha cap soroll, no menjar no cap altre distracció.  Hi va, treballa i surt.  Aquest cap de setmana tenia tant feina que pujava dissabte al matí tan com divendres a la tarde.

On the way home, we stopped in a local store, the owner of whom is named Jesus.  We bought some stuff and came on home.  Seems we came on home without the knapsack.

Quan estàvem tornant a casa vam parar per unes momentets a una botiga, que fa plats preparats i més, i la propietat es diu Jesús.  Vam comprar una mica i vam tornar a casa.  Sense la motxilla ara sabem.

SO, you see, the store?  It's closed Mondays.  Fortunately, this is a village and we know that his kids go to the same school my kids went to, so I phoned Youngest's school to say she'd be late, then we went down to wait for him to drop off his kids.  His wife came, not him, and she didn't seem too keen to help.  Youngest went off to school with a pen and a notebook, and sorrow.

Llavors, la botiga?  Es tanca dilluns.  Afortunadament, està un poble i sabem que les filles d'en Jesús van al mateix cole on anaven les meves filles, per això trucava el cole actual de la Petita i hem baixat al cole per esperar per en Jesus.  La seva dona venia i no dona la impressió que volia ajudar-nos.  La Petita anava a cole amb una llibreta, un boli i tristesa.  

We told her to tell her teacher that Jesus had stolen her homework.

Hi ha un dit en anglès, quan els nens no han fet els deures, sempre diuen que el gos els ha menjat.  Bé, aquesta vegada, la nena podia diu que Jesús els l'ha robat.  En anglès ningú té el nom Jesús, només Jesús de l'església.

Fortunately, Jesus came through for us, came by and opened up the store, the Man got the knapsack, and I hauled it up the hill by 11:30, so she only missed a little and didn't get into trouble at all.

Afortunadament, Jesús està molt simpàtic i venia al botiga que el ha obert per nosaltres.  l'Home anava a buscar-la i jo la pujava al cole, tot abans de les 11 i mig, llavors, només faltava una mica dels deures i ningú la posava una falta.  

Jesus may have had them, but true to his name, he went out of his way to get them back to her when she needed them. Bottle of cava may be going his way this week!

Jesus potser les havia tingut, però en l'esperit del seu nom, ha fet una bona esforç, al seu únic dia de festa de la setmana i les ens ha tornat quan les ha tingut necessitat.  Una ampolla de cava deu ser anar per allà aquesta setmana, no?


thecatalanway said...

I can only fantasize about having a child who actualy cares that they have to go to school without the homework! Oh what heaven!

I love people being called Jesus - wish I knew someone but have only seen the name on a carpenters shop in Les Franqueses.
K x

Here we go - it's another awful word combination. the first one is ok but the second on is almost impossible to decipher. Hey ho!

elpadawan said...

I have never been in a situation where I could say "Jesus stole my homework". I'm a bit jealous...

Beth said...

Of course, Jesus came through! ;)

Beth said...

P.S. These word verification things are so much easier!

Boo and Trev said...

Brilliant! I would never grow tired of the endless punage available from knowing someone called Jesus! (Actually, that's not true. I've lived near a village called Ugley nearly all my life and I can hardly understand why visitors find it amusing)

oreneta said...

Kate, I do know we're lucky with is a good thing. Homework, however at times, isn't.

ElP, cool, no? I thought it blog-worthy.

Beth, glad you're finding them easier. I thought they got better once they stopped switching the black and white field/font thing....

Boo and Trev, we still have fun with it from time to time. Maybe there is some sort of comic statute of limitations.