This year has been a struggle with the painting, with getting it done. Still analyzing why. I'd be better off getting brush on canvas rather than thinking about it, but I have done one thing to improve the situation.
Aquest any ha estat una repte sobre la tema de pintar. Sobre completant coses. Encara estic rumiant perquè. Imagino que em serveix millor posant la pinzella al tela en lloc de pensant sobre la tema; malgrat d'això, he fet un canvi per millorar la situació.
I've switched up my schedule, so that it is a little closer to how it was on the boat. I go to bed early (this being relative) early for me and get up when I wake up. Today at 5:45 or so. I come upstairs, manage the email, do the drawing for the day...maybe I'll post those....and then paint if there is time.
He canviat el meu horari, llavors sembla més el que tenia a la barca. Vaig a dormir ben aviat (relativament) vull dir, aviat per mi i quan em desperto, m'aixeco. Avui a les tres quarts de sis, més o menys. Pujo cam a dalt, faig el que cal amb els emails, faig el dibuix del dia...potser el penjo aquests, i pinto si tinc temps.
The other changes I've made is that I am now posting in the morning or midday, and I have simplified things. Deleted blogs from the reader so fewer pop up, removed or blocked 'friends' and likes' from FB that were taking up too much space and too little interest and unsubscribed from a number of email circulars that were filling my inbox.
Altres canvis que he fet: ara escric aquí pels matins, o per la migdia i he simplificat unes quantes parts de la meva vida online. He esborrat unes blocs del reader per tant surten menys, he esborrat o bloquejat unes 'amics' i 'agrades' a FB que ocupaven massa d'espai i donaven poc interès i he desapuntat d'unes quants email circulars, els que venen de vegades per informar-nos sobre activitats, com dels museus. Estaven omplint la meva bustia.
Guess what? I'm reading more, I'm painting more, I've got more time with my kids, I'm still having a nap and I wake up in the morning refreshed.
I saps que? Llegeixo més, pinto més, tinc més temps amb les meves filles i encara puc fer la migdiada i m'aixeco pel matí amb ganes i energia.
Yipee! Yippee!
Well done! Congratulations on prioritizing. Sometimes I think we should all do that on a regular basis (say, with every change of season?) and not wait for the frustration to set in.
(I remember those early mornings of writing...your time will come...)
Inspiring! I need to get my ruthlessness back and do the same kind of triage -- again.
But I can't get the unfollowed blogs to stay unfollowed. What's your secret?
Good job! I hope to do something similar when this exam nightmare is over (in two more weeks, I calculate.)
I call this "downsizing 2.0" :). And maybe I should do something similar, actually.
Sounds good! Your painting has subtle changes in it that I like. GM
Loving these bi lingual ones - so impressive.
Great to be getting on top of the life work thing - do you remember you were asking this question at the start of the year?
I am doing NO artistic work except the drawing class - even with far less work than you I find it hard to get the balance right.
Perhaps getting to bed earlier is a good idea but I have also found a Catalan TV programme I like and which helps my language. El Vent de Pla - really late!!! TV3.
K x
Beth, it is SO much faster and out on the computer.
JG, I had the same problem, you have to delete them in both the reader and on the blogger site, and if you've followed them, you have to unfollow. PAIN. NEVER ENDS does it. Good lord. Does this imply that you passed the last round of exams?
ElP downsizing 2.0 is fantastic. Highly recommended.
GM, thank you so much!
Kate, you may be able to watch it on your computer at a different time...TV3 is pretty good that way.
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