Over the course of the day I think of all sorts of things to blog about. Funny things people say, something that happens, but then, when the time comes to write.....Blank
Durant el dia, tinc unes quantes diferent ideàs per penjar aquí al bloc. Coses divertides que diuen algú, qualsevol cosa que passa, però a l'hora d'escriure? Res.
What I can remember from today was thinking about running. I don't pretend to be as fluid, coherent and delightful to read as Haruki Murakami in his slim book What I talk about when I talk about running partially cause I'm not an internationally acclaimed literary novelist, and partially because I am writing at 11:30pm and publishing directly without editors, editing or a pause to think about it. What do they call that? A cooling off period?
El que puc recordar estava pensant de córrer. No tinc ambicions de ser tan fluid, coherent ni transfixiant com a en Haruki Murakami en la seva novella What I talk about when I talk about running en part perquè no sóc una novel·lista amb gran mèrit i èxit internacionalment i en part perquè estic escrivint a les 11:30 de la nit i el publicaré de seguida, sense editors, ni editant-se, ni una pausa per pensar. Com es diu això, una pausa per refrescar-se?
So, what was I thinking about when I was thinking about running? Most of it was remarkably unprofound, another part of it was about a bit of an adventure I am trying to put together, and I'll let you know about it if I pull it off. Indeed I might first anyway, but not today. A good part of the time I was thinking about my legs, and another good part of the time my lungs. I was also thinking about how the two of them are working when I'm running.
Llavors, de que estava pensant quan estava pensant de corrent? La majoria no era gens profunda, un altre part? Sobre una repta, una aventura que estic intentant d'organitzar i us ho explicaré si tinc èxit...oooo, us ho explicaré més aviat, però no avui. Un bon part dels temps passava pensant de les meves cames, i una altre bon part dels meus pulmons. També estava pensant de la manera que treballant quan estic corrent.
This shouldn't be a surprise, but my lungs mostly were overwhelmed when climbing and my legs when descending. It is weird how they seem to teeter-totter back and forth though. There are times when I'm climbing when my legs go out and my lungs feel fine and when descending, the legs feel find and the lungs feel overwhelmed.
Ho hauria de ser una sorpresa, però els meus pulmons tenia més dificultat quan estava pujant i les cames quan baixava. Trobo estrany que fan una desequilibri que va d'aquí cap allà, que el equilibri que tenen sempre canviar. Hi han temps quan estic pujant i les cames em costa i els pulmons són fortes i el revers també, hi ha temps quan baixo i les meves cames troben molt bé però els pulmons estant cridant l'atenció.
I am sure there is someone doing some kind of PhD on this, but for me, it's a passing interest. I can say for sure that doing a tough run two days after a tough run makes you notice your legs a little more.
Estic segur que algú està fent una doctorat sobre questa tema, per mi està un interes del moment. Puc dir amb seguretat que si facis una ruta difícil dos dies desprès de corra el mateix ruta difícil, et notarà les cames una mica més. Segur.
1 comment:
Alas, my running days are long since over but I do sometimes experience being a bit breathless walking up steep hills (steep to me...) and wobbly legs coming down.
As for blog topics – hmmm...notice I don’t blog as often as I used to? ;)
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