Friday, March 23, 2012

Trailwalker's off. El Trailwalker no passarà

That's it, it's done and it's not going to happen.  It's basically OK, although I find as I write this that I am somewhat disappointed.  Simply speaking, not enough walkers.

Ja està, està fet i complet.  El Trailwalker no ho faré aquest any.  Bàsicament, cap problema, però trobo, aa a l'hora d'escriure, que estic una mica decebuda.  Simplement, no teníem caminadors.

Most of the day I was sincerely hoping that the folks I met with the other night would say no.  They did, and I can honestly say that I'm glad.  Doing something like this would be an absolute blast with a keen team, but with people who are not sure, or not committed, it would totally suck.

Per la majoria del dia estava esperant que els del reunió de l'altre nit diria que no.  Ho han fet i amb complet sinceritat puc dir que me'n alegro.  Fent una esdeveniment tant gran com això amb un equip entusiasmat seria fantàstic, però amb un equip que no estan segur que ho volen fer, que no estan estiguin comprimit...seria ben desagradable.

Better to not go, than to go and be miserable and stressed out.  Millor que no vàgim en lloc d'anar-hi i trobem-nos miserable i estresats.

SO...good things that have come out of this?  Llavors, els beneficies de tot això?

1.  I am in better shape and I am going to continue to train.  Were it not for this, I wouldn't be able to run 13K up and down mountains, and now I can. 
2.  I've met new people, and I have the chance to do some really long walks with them, for that alone it was worth the effort.
3.  I have gotten to know another group of people much better as well, again, worth the effort.
4.  I now have, as a goal, to walk 100K, and I hope to do so before the summer.

1. Estic molt més en forme, i continuaré d'entrenar.  Si no he fet aquest esforç, no podia córrer unes 13K amunt i avall pels muntanyes, i ara, puc.
2.  He trobat gens nous i tinc l'oportunitat de fer rutes ben llargs amb els.  Això solament val la pena.
3.  Conec millor alguns altres persones, i això també val la pena. 
4.  Tinc, com una mena d'objectiu de caminar un cent kilòmetres.  Potser abans de l'estiu.

The end.  Fi.


Beth said...

I’m so sorry to hear it’s not a go but glad you’re able to see all the positives that have come out of the experience. You are a trooper!

I forget the source but there's a saying - "every end represents a new beginning." (I think I mangled the saying...but you get my drift?)

thecatalanway said...

sorry you can't go ahead but yes so much better to know now and not have to pull along others behind you, kicking and screaming. and you are super fit! And so is chucky!

I am nowhere near your level of fitness but would love a longer walk one day with a pack on my back and a Bonnie alongside. Lets try for that one day soon kx

elpadawan said...

Too bad it's not going to happen :(. But as you said, maybe it's for the best, and you'd have had more problems with team members dragging their feet... I hope next year will work out better.

Helen said...

As you say, better not to do something so demanding unless you have a fully committed team. All the pluses are excellent though

oreneta said...

Beth, there's always other years...not meant to be for this one.

Kate, THAT would be lovely!!! I have a couple of ideas too!

Me too, ElP.

Helen, it is way more fun if everyone is enthusiastic. Way.

Sam said...

I'm still reeling from the thought of a 100k walk.....and the fact that you were/are considering!! But you are much better off not doing this with people who are less than enthusiastic...'cause lets face it 'round 65k, the ugly's gonna come out!! LOL!

oreneta said...

If I stop and think about it, it kind of freaks me out too! I think it'd be good to do it with someone you don't know quite as well too as we keep the ugly in a little bit more.

Anonymous said...

Since you can now run 13k up and down mountains - why not come run the Paris Versaille with me on September 30th? 16k with a serious hill in the middle - much more fun with you. Next goal? JC