Sunday, March 18, 2012

Trailwalker, trailwalker

OK, I'm coming clean about the adventure I'm trying to plan.....

I am trying to get a team together to do the Trailwalker this's 100K in 32 hours.  You need 4 people to walk and 2 support.  We have three (hopefully, one has to talk to his wife) walkers and two support, but we have to find a final person to walk it.  It isn't the kind of event that you want to talk someone into...they kind of have to want to....

OK, t'explico l'aventura que estic intentant de planejar.

Estic intentant de formar un equip per fer el Trailwalker aquest any,  serà 100K en 32 hores.  Necessiteu uns 4 caminadors i 2 persones de suport.  Ara tenim tres (espero, un ha de parlar amb la seva dona) caminadores i dos de suport, però faltem l'ultime caminador.  No és un tipus d'activitat que vols convèncer una person... han de vol fer-ho....ha de fer il·lusió.

We also have to raise €1,500 for Oxfam to build wells for people who have to walk hours every day simply for water.  Seems a good cause, no?

També hem de guanyar diners, un €1,500 per Oxfam per construir pos per gens que han de caminar per hores cada dia simplement per aigua.  Em trobo un bon idea, no?

All we need is one more person to more!

Tot el que necessitem és un persona més per caminar....un més.

Wish us luck, OK?
Creus els dits, OK?


elpadawan said...

Wow, that's an amazing project! When and where is it going to happen?

oreneta said...

May 5 - 6 here in Catalunya, there's a map on the site. Wanna walk it?

Beth said...

At last – the suspense is over!
Hope you find your fourth. If and when you do, count me in for the fund raising. :)

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

If I was there, I would walk. Sounds like a more than worthy cause. Like Beth above, I can be counted on when the fund raising starts.

Helen said...

I think I'll donate some euros, it is too far for me....good luck though!

elpadawan said...

I wish, but it might prove a bit difficult for me. Also, I would slow you down, taking pictures every 5 minutes... Not sure that I'd be the best addition to the team :D